Sometimes I share my services because I get back to my roots of why I loved photography before it became a profitable business. I love to capture moments and share them.
People are so appreciative, and being appreciated feels great. Today I received a text of thanks that made me truly laugh! It read, "Oh my goodness!! Amazeballs with a side of aweseome sauce. Why even bother with the photo by the cheesey school photo people. I'm so thrilled!" Isn't that hilarious?
When Bryce was finishing his last year at Redstone, I took black and whites of all the kids and then also was able to make a movie with my SLR of them at the same time, talking about what they loved most about their time in elementary school. It created a moment for the kids to reflect back and also made the thought of ending their time at Redstone Elementary real. They were really taking the next step and continuing on to middle school.
I offered to do the same thing for my daughter's 5th grade class this year. I had Bryce's example for the teacher to email everyone. I had to put up a recent photo I took of Bryce in high school to show you how little he looked in just 4 years time. They grow up so fast. Sometimes as parents we just want to freeze time... sometimes we can!